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Press release announcing the product

Why two? We've decided that the best way to focus on Entertainment and Design/Vis solutions is to customize the user experience accordingly. So, we now have two versions of your favorite product to choose from. At the same time, we are ending development on VIZ and encouraging customers to shift to 3ds Max Design. This is one of the reasons we created 3ds Max Design - to give VIZ users a clear path to 3ds Max and something they can fully leverage.

At this time, we are not releasing all the information about the two new flavors, but that will come as we officially launch the products later this quarter (March 25th). So, I don't actually want to duplicate all that information here, just deal with the major points:

1. 3ds Max Design 2009 includes 100% of the features in 3ds Max 2009 - except for the SDK
2. 3ds Max Design has the new Exposure lighting analysis feature, 3ds Max 2009 does not

Those are the critical differences you need to know about. We're also working on making each product a richer experience for the specific set of users, so you'll see evidence of this in tutorials, samples, application defaults, etc. They are 100% data compatible and they are actually the same binary. We think this should be the policy moving forwards as it means you'll always be able to mix/match these versions without fear of data loss.

The incredible success of 3ds Max in both Entertainment and Design/Vis gives us the ability to drive BOTH markets with increased resources. This is all tied up with the fact that we've also doubled our engineering resources.

Yes, we expect that you'll be a little confused by this news, but it will be clearer as time moves on. Subscription users will get BOTH installs, so they can play with either one and we'll have trial versions of both up on the web at ship date.

As to the future, I'm restricted to what I can say, but I think we've learned to be extremely careful with deciding that one feature is only useful by one market. If we are to create any further feature differentiation between the two, we'll do it very carefully and check with customers before doing it. Our policy is to ensure that you're never forced to need both to get the job done.Here are some features (not all), since we are not launching the product today, just announcing it (this may appear to be a semantics issue, but Autodesk Marketing calls the shots on this) we are not giving you all the feature information like we normally do at announcement. Some of these headings may not make sense without the additional descriptions, but that is coming. I did leave in the descriptions on two of the bigger features that were part of the release effort.

Remember, this is an INCOMPLETE list, about 30% of the features are not listed here. Some important features will be revealed at launch.

• Hands Like Feet Option
• Working Pivot Rotation
• Mirror Animation Options
• Triangle Neck

Modeling and Mapping
• UV Spline Mapping
• UVW Unwrap Improvements

Reveal Workflow
• With 3ds Max 2009, Autodesk introduces Reveal rendering, a system that gives users very precise control over their renders, which in turn streamlines iterative workflows and enables artist to render final imagery faster. This key new feature gives artists the ability to visualize and manipulate a given region in both the Viewport and the Framebuffer. The rendered image Framebuffer now contains a simplified set of tools to quickly validate changes in a render, by optionally filtering out objects, regions and/or processes to temporarily balance quality vs. speed vs. completeness. For instance, render speed can be modulated by toggling geometry translation, lighting calculation and image-quality settings, based on what the artist desires to update. Using Reveal, artists can now also auto-generate regions around selections and reuse temporary Final Gather maps at any time.

Photometric Lighting Enhancements
• 3ds Max 2009 delivers a number of photometric lighting enhancements. The software now gives artists support for new types of area lights (circular, cylindrical), photometric web previews in the Browse dialog and Light UI, as well as improved near-field photometry quality and spot distribution. Plus, distribution types can now support any emitting shape and artists can have their light shapes appear in their rendered image.

mental ray
• ProMaterials
• New mental ray Proxy Objects
• Enhanced Accessibility of Production Shaders
• Enhanced Per-object Render Settings
• Improved Render Final Gather and Global Illumination
• New mental ray Render Elements


Autodesk 發佈3ds Max 2009 將分成兩條產品線

3ds Max 2009 Entertainment:用於遊戲與影視製作
3Ds Max Design 2009:用於建築,工設與視覺特效

兩個版都會提供新的Render單元的協同性,以及同其他產品的整合性,還有「附加的高效率動畫與貼圖工作 流程工具」。

而3Ds Max Design 2009將會包含3ds max 2009 entertainment提供的所有特性。並提供新的「曝光技術(Exposure technology)"模擬和分析陽光,天空和人工光源等,並通過了LEED 8.1工業標準認證!
3Ds Max 2009 Entertainment將會包含一組新的Render工具集,藉此統一複雜的工作流程,並提供一個專業 材質庫來模擬真實的物理屬性。另外也增強多項骨骼部分,採用新的UV編輯系統。並提供新的場景識別和載入技 術,改進並增強Revit Architecture 2009的內部協同作業。


‧ 簡便易懂的選項
‧ 可運轉的旋轉軸心
‧ 鏡項動畫選項
‧ 三角形頸項

‧ UV齒條貼圖
‧ 改進的展開式UVW


‧ 在3ds Max 2009中Autodesk引進了Reveal rendering。此系統可以讓用戶更精確的控制Render並簡化工作流程的反覆性,讓使用者得以快速 的完成最後圖像的Render。這個新功能可讓藝術家操控視口和Framebuffer中的固定區域。該渲 染圖像Framebuffer現在包含了簡便的工具裝置來快速驗證渲染中的變化,選擇性的過濾物體,區域或 是程序以平衡品質對比,速度對比和完整性。(註:我已經完全看不懂這段了,就不特別改寫)

例如:Render速度可以被切換的轉換幾何圖形,照明計算和影像品質設置所調整。使用Reveal,藝術 家可在任何時間自動生成Final Gather maps周圍的區域。

‧3ds Max 2009大幅度改進了光度測定照明。新版本的區域燈光(圓形和柱形),以及瀏覽對話框和Light UI中的光度測定網預覽和改進的近場景光度測定品質及地點分佈。此外,分佈類型可以支援任何放射性形狀,而 且藝術家也可以將他們的燈光形狀顯示在Render影像中。

mental ray Render
‧ ProMaterials
‧ 全新的mental ray Proxy Objects
‧ 更強大的Production Shaders
‧ 更強大的Per-object Render裝置
‧ 改良的 Render Final Gather和Global Illumination
‧ 全新的mental ray Render元素



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